monitoring of X-rays in sychrotrons

This work is under the supervision of SenSiC GmbH, a spinoff of STLab srl

Synchrotron light sources are facilities delivering very intense X-ray beams of high brilliance, enabling fundamental and applied research in areas such as medicine, materials science or condensed matter physics. Many synchrotrons around the world are currently being upgraded or in preparation for an upgrade to diffraction-limited storage rings (DLSRs) which will deliver X-ray beams with even higher brilliance and reduced emittance to the beamlines. While the reduction of the beam spot size and the increased photon intensity will enable a whole range of exciting scientific studies, machine teams, beamline (BL) designers, scientists, and BL users are met with new challenges regarding the beam’s stability and its positioning on increasingly small sample targets. As a consequence, real-time monitoring of the beam position, intensity and shape along the whole optical path will become increasingly important.

The SiC beam position monitors (XBPM) have been proved to be superior to polychristalline diamond (Nida et al. J. Synchrotron Rad. 26, 28 (2019)) and more recently, equivalent/superior to single crystal diamond (IBIC2021, under publication)